[Australian Premium Sour Dough Multigrain Vienna 澳洲特級天然酵母維也納雜穀麵包]
健康美味,口感鬆軟,我們的酸種麵團採用多穀製作加入了各種健康食材,如燕麥,麥麩和亞麻籽,讓您在享受美味的同時,也能攝取足夠的營養 Laurent多穀維也納酸種團的外皮酥脆,內裡鬆軟 每一口都能品嚐到多穀的豐富口感,我們的Laurent多穀維也納酸麵團是您健康飲食的最佳選擇,因為它不含任何添加劑或防腐劑。
Textured sour loaf baked on stone, with a thick crunchy xrust and generous grain mixture, perfect for sharing. Stone Baked with 90% Bake.
*This product is Halal certified.
Sour Dough Multigrain Vienna 天然酵母維也納雜穀酸種麵包
Textured sour loaf baked on stone, with a thick crunchy xrust and generous grain mixture, perfect for sharing. Stone Baked with 90% Bake.
Approx Unit Weight: 550g